Tuesday 11 January 2011

Film Evaluation 3.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A production company is an organization that helps fund the film. This in turn affects how the film will come out because of the amount of the money that is going into it. If the film has a low budget this means that they won't much money to put towards actors, crew, equipment and FX. This means that the director and creator will have to be more creative because of the situation they are in. On the other hand if the production company had a big budget then film will use more specified equipment and there FX will be to a better standard. This does mean the director will have to use all equipment properly.

My production company was called Black Sheep Productions this gives off a scary feel. I makes it sound like the production company are use producing scary movies. I think it also adds towards adding tension towards the opening sequence. The name also makes it sound like it is high budget production company. This also a simple name so people will not forget it when they see my opening. The role of my media company will be to find an fund small budget horror movies.

Distributors are companies that help to distribute the films to different places around the world. They have the contacts in media industry that will let them broadcast trailers and other advertisements. That will make people want to see the film and after it had been shown will be paid by the producers for advertising the film. An example of a distribution company is 20th Century Fox.

To fund my movie I would rely on a production company that will get money from a bank which they will use. They might also get money from an investor aswell this will be either a person or a company that will give money towards the film being made and will expect a share of the profit when the film is released.

When putting my titles in order I put the production company first because they made the film happen by giving money towards it. I also gave credit to the writer because he wrote the story and next I gave credit towards the two main actors because without them I wouldn't have the acting talent. I then added the directors name after this because he put it all together. I added in all the main companies and names that made my opening sequence what it was.

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