Sunday, 14 November 2010

Prelim Task

For the prelim task we needed to create a short scene. This scene must include a couple of things first a basic script to be said by actors in the scene. We also had to include a match on action shot, shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule shot in our film.

We started out by deciding on an idea on what our short film would be about. We sat in a group and started to come up with ideas of subjects we could create a scene about. First we thought about making an awkward scene because then the script would be easier to write. Then when we had all agreed on this  we had to think about a scenario to write an awkward script about. First Jodie thought about the idea of someone being on the phone to some else having a conversation about a party but then we dismissed this idea because it would had been to complicated to film. Then Vicky said about two people meeting and wearing the same outfit as each-other and then having a conversation about one of them having to go change. I then said a rough idea about two people going to a restaurant and someone being there that wasn't invited and we decided to develop this idea started to write a script for it. I said I would write out the script on the computer and we all just put our ideas as we went through. This didn't take us long because it was only a short script and it just flowed. Whilst I was typing this on the computer Jodie was writing down all the information about filming such as the location, the actors and also all props we needed on the day of filming we did this because coming up to the day of filming we could then get all our props and actors organized so nothing wrong on the day. When Jodie had done this she got started on drawing the storyboard out this was fairly simple because we all helped out with this task and we all knew what camera angles went where and also in what order. We also planned to add a depth of field shot which would focus on one thing and then focus on another person in the background. I thought the storyboard looked good but I think could have added a bit mor information on to it because it looked a bit plain when we finished it. After we had done this we had to find an actor to help us out. Once we had an actor we where ready to start filming.

On the day of filming we went and got our actor straight away because he remembered he had to help out and then we just got the camera and went straight into the media studio where we would be shooting our film. This was all really easy because we had it all written down on our summery sheet and we also had everything we needed next to this we could pick it all up and go we weren't delayed by trying the to find our work. Once we where in the media studio we could then get prepared to start shooting our prelim task. First we had to arrange the furniture because we needed two sets of tables with chairs one behind the other and in the studio there was only one table but enough chairs. Brandon the art technician helped me carry up a table from downstairs and put it in the room. Then we had to arrange them this took us about 10 minutes because we had to think where the best camera angles would be and where the tables and actors would look best. If we had made a floor plan previously then we could have done this quicker and without much fuss. Once we had the setting out done then we could move into the lighting, the rooms main lighting where okay but there was also a lighting rig which would possibly give us better lighting for our film but it had to be set up perfectly otherwise it would ruin the shot. After about 20 minutes of trying to position the light rig we decided to us the main lights in the room because we couldn't get them in the right position but when I have learnt how to properly position then I will definitely us them again. While we where sorting out lighting and preparing we had given our actor Liam Smith a copy of the script and let him reed through it and see how much he remember. He couldn't remember the whole of it, so Jodie quickly came up with the idea of having the script stuck to the back of a menu because the scene is set in a restaurant and this would make sense for the actors to be holding menus. So I quickly printed out another script while Vicky went and got some card to make a menu out of. Jodie then quickly wrote out menu on the front of them and then we stuck the scripts to the inside of them. This was a good idea because it means that if the actors forgot there lines mid-scene then we wouldn't have to stop the whole scene and start again they could just refer back to the script. Once we had filmed all the planned scripted bits we then all thought that it seemed too short and that it was only one conversation. Then we thought we might as well film some more improvised stuff to fill in at the beginning of our prelim. I gave Liam and Jodie a subject to talk about and we went through it once without the camera on and they did very well and it flowed. So then we shot it strange after and this went well and we did all the lines in one take each.

When had done all the shooting we then went straight into editing out piece. First we captured all the footage off the camera and once we had done this we could then start to cut and arrange the clips. The editing for this taks wasn't to hard because there weren't that many clips to cut and put into place. So when we got the editing stage we first captured the clips off the camera and gave them names so that we could identify them when they where in the clip bank. I then dragged them into the timeline and arranged  them in order, from here I can see where they needed to be cut and also where they didn't. We didn't use any FX because we wanted the shots to stand out on there own. From here we all took turns cutting clips  up and putting them into there right places. Once we where doing putting all the clips into there right places we then watched it through a couple of times to check if it ran smoothly and from here we could go and correct any mistakes.

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